Fairs require distinguished sales strategies, as customer contact at fairs is characteristically brief. Visitors plan to visit a considerable amount of stands, and as are continuously aware of the limited time at their disposal. Moreover, as visitors do not send advance notification, there is no possibility for dedicated preparations.

In his blog, Meijer recommends on how to shape the brief moments of contact you have with a potential customer. Your attitude and how you approach a visitor combine into the important first impression. Inspired by his 40 years of experience in sales and management positions, he advises to approach visitors as if they are your personal guests. He recommends to focus on one customer, to introduce yourself personally, and to take an interest in his name and the company he works for. As the conversation progresses, decide if you would invite this person table for a more in-depth conversation.

Attracting as many (desinterested) visitors to your stand as possible without having time available to talk to them are ultimately not very effective to winning a customer. When you approach your guests as if they are anonimous shop visitors looking for a quick bargain are similarly little effective. Fair visitors are not customers looking for a quick buy, but typically appreciate dedicated attention.
“How may I help you?” is a mistake beginners make.

Meijer continues his article with advising on how to cope with challenging customers. All in all, the experience Meijers shares is recognisable, and worth reading.


Meijer, H. (2016, October 8). Nee, ik kijk alleen even rond [Web log post]. Retrieved from https://verkoopwegwijzer.wordpress.com/2016/10/08/nee-ik-kijk-alleen-even-rond/