The mATTch one market
All innovation resources brought to your desk

Only together can we unfold the full potential of academic knowledge, the new resource that drives the innovation economy. The mATTch one market is about connecting innovation resources: people, knowledge, budgets, and innovation support services.

The mATTch one market collects all innovation resources in one location. Previously, information on innovation resources was scattered over the websites of e.g. companies, academic chairs, universities, research clusters, and funding agencies.

The mATTch one market is inspired by our concept for Open Innovation 2.0, and can be seemlessly integrated into your corporate website.


Trade knowledgeObtain innovation supportFind budgets

Knowledge available through the mATTch one market

The mATTch one market offers all knowledge, both nearby and far away, irrespective of whether it is embedded in patents, equipment, or people. Where previously each and every academic, company, university, network, or cluster had her own website with his expertise, there now is one portal that brings all knowledge right to your desk.

Innovation support services available through the mATTch one market

Can you think of a better place to offer your innovation support service, than the mATTch one market where where people, knowledge, and budgets meet? Or are you looking for support to obtain budgets, start a company, or market a new technology? You can find it all at the mATTch one market.

Information on budgets available through the mATTch one market

We smart-filter information from hundreds of funding opportunities, to present you only those of interest!