Academic knowledge is a key resource for the knowledge economy. However, we have a long way to go before we can ‘mine’ academic knowledge in such a way that we can release its’ full potential. mATTch considers it her mission to unfold this potential. We believe that academics, large and small companies, universities and governments deserve the benefits of the investments in academic knowledge we make as a society. We support them in gaining these benefits through:
- Hosting one market for knowledge, innovation budgets and innovation support services
- Academics can advertise their knowledge solutions. Companies can find knowledge solutions. Together, universities, conferences, governments and innovation networks can accelerate knowledge transfer. For information on the market, please look here.
- Advanced knowledge transfer training
- We have trained academics, staff of technology transfer offices, and company chief technology officers from all over the world. As we noted that participants kept taking pictures of our presentations, we provide our slides as a free service. More information can be found at our training site.
- Management tools for innovation ecosystems
- Most of the services I offer are platform tools. This means that they are particularly suitable for complex networks of people and organisations, that aim for innovation. I offer management tools to both analyse the performance of innovation ecosystems, and to enhance their performance.
- A free newsletter
- Our newsletter is a free service to help spread the understanding required to build ever-smoother collaborations required to make the transfer of academic knowledge happen. You can subscribe to our newsletter at our blog.